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Comparison on ads or not? Influence of Referent on Advertising Effectiveness
Jong-Sheng Horng, Jih-Shyong Lin
Pages - 72 - 80     |    Revised - 10-08-2014     |    Published - 15-09-2014
Volume - 5   Issue - 5    |    Publication Date - September / October 2014  Table of Contents
Comparisons on ads ?advertising effect ?ideal brand .
This study explores how consumers distinguish different products and how to achieve advertising effectiveness. An experiment of 2(high/low ideal brands)x2(with/without comparisons)=4 mixed designs was conducted to verify the advertising effect influenced by the present of comparisons on ads with respect to high/low ideal brands. 50 subjects per design and 200 effective samples were evaluated under descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVA test. The study concludes: the present of comparisons on ads ameliorates Brand Attitude and Advertising Attitude regardless of high/low ideal brand. However, Purchase Intention was not significantly influenced by comparisons on ads.
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Dr. Jong-Sheng Horng
Tatung University - Taiwan
Associate Professor Jih-Shyong Lin
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University No.40, Sec. 3, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.) - Taiwan

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