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A New Perspective on Organizational Culture In Emergency Situations
Beskida Dorda, Eriona Shtëmbari
Pages - 16 - 26     |    Revised - 31-08-2020     |    Published - 01-10-2020
Volume - 11   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - October 2020  Table of Contents
Acculturation, Culture Shock, Emergency, Organizational Culture.
Many studies consider organizational culture (OC) responsible for successful companies. It is a unique element that can shape the identity of each business. Companies around the world invest time and energy to build their best working culture. Moreover, the year 2020 proved that pandemic crises, within a short period, can challenge what companies have done for years. Modern economy and its OC are profoundly affected by this unprecedented situation.

This study is exploratory and aims to have new insights on the OC in emergencies caused by global pandemics. Academic literature and international media are used to analyze the situation, seeking to explore a new approach toward the way businesses changed their activity. As a result, a curve is proposed about the organizational culture changes due to an emergency.
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Beskida Dorda
University of New York Tirana, Tirana, 1000 - Albania
Mrs. Eriona Shtëmbari
Business and Economics Department, University of New York Tirana, Tirana, 1000 - Albania

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