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The Effects of COVID-19 Crisis on the Spanish Hospitality Sector. An Expenditure-Based Approach
Francisco Sánchez-Cubo, José Mondéjar-Jiménez, Inmaculada Crespo Morán
Pages - 66 - 81     |    Revised - 30-09-2022     |    Published - 31-10-2022
Volume - 13   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - October 2022  Table of Contents
COVID-19, Economic Crisis, Hospitality, Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Expenditure.
This paper aims to determine the effects of the economic crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic on the catering service subsector, as a specific part of the hospitality sector. Spanish National Statistics Institute data(N=33,376) are analysed through descriptive analysis and a binomial logistic regression. A steady drop in income is expected in the early years, followed by a slow recovery in pre-crisis wage levels. Likewise, significant growth in the number of unemployed is expected together with a worsening of the contractual and salary conditions, entailing a reduction of tourism expenditure. The effects of several variables on the decision of spending money on catering services are quantified, being highlighted the relation with the increase in salaries (+3.4%), unemployment (-27.6%), and the country of birth (+66.2%), among others. Considering that the predictions are made based on data from a previous economic crisis, the results are subject to changes in economic and tourism policies, among others.
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Mr. Francisco Sánchez-Cubo
Faculty of Social Sciences of Cuenca, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, 160071 - Spain
Professor José Mondéjar-Jiménez
Faculty of Social Sciences of Cuenca, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, 160071 - Spain
Miss Inmaculada Crespo Morán
Faculty of Tourism and Accounting, University of Seville, Seville, 41004 - Spain

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