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How Do Intra-Organizational Networks Foster Contextual Resilience and Prepare MNCs For the New Normal? Insights from a Case Study
Jessica Geraldo Schwengber
Pages - 92 - 107     |    Revised - 30-08-2023     |    Published - 01-10-2023
Volume - 14   Issue - 3    |    Publication Date - October 2023  Table of Contents
Intra-organizational Network, Organizational Resilience, Contextual Resilience, MNC, Relational Economics, Case Study, Covid-19.
This paper explores how intra-organizational networks promote contextual organizational resilience in multinational companies (MNCs). According to Lengnick-Hall et al. (2011), the contextual elements of resilience are psychological safety, social capital, power diffusion, and network resources. Since multinational companies are, by definition, geographically dispersed and heterogeneous, the study investigates the extent to which a network structure promotes contextual resilience and thus prepares MNCs for the new normal.

The results of a case study conducted in an MNC are presented. The study was conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020), and the pandemic was used as an example of shock to analyze how the network influences resilience during a shock. The results demonstrate that a cohesive network can promote contextual resilience by increasing connection and thus psychological safety, social capital, power diffusion, and access to network resources. With its focus on interaction, exchange, and relationship in addressing challenges and opportunities, this research aims to contribute to a relational view of economy (Wieland 2020, Biggiero et al. 2022).
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Dr. Jessica Geraldo Schwengber
Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, 88048 - Germany

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