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Code-based Trust Systems: An Integrative Model of How Rules of Code can Build Trust in Digital Transactions
Maria Sciarra
Pages - 87 - 107     |    Revised - 31-07-2024     |    Published - 31-08-2024
Volume - 15   Issue - 4    |    Publication Date - August 31, 2024  Table of Contents
Institution-based Trust, Rule-governed Behavior, Credibility, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy.
Rules-of-code are written logical instances of computing law constraining human action in a step-by-step finite sequence of actions so as to bear a sense of good faith and fair dealing behavior. Actual research on emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence supports the view that the underlying rules-of-code influence the coordination of transactions. Emerging as a new category of institutional governance mechanism, the rules-of-code are hence becoming the primary object of trust. This paper draws attention to the implications of the rules-of-code for the trust-building process. Building on a systematic survey of the literature on institution-based trust, we capture those trusting concepts particularly relevant for developing a model of code-based trust. Contributions from the psychological theory of rule-governed behavior help better defining some trusting elements and their mutual relations.
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Dr. Maria Sciarra
Italian Trade & Investment Agency - Italy

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