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Social Big Data: Techniques and Recent Applications
Tina Tian
Pages - 224 - 234     |    Revised - 30-11-2020     |    Published - 31-12-2020
Volume - 14   Issue - 5    |    Publication Date - December 2020  Table of Contents
Social Big Data, Big Data, Social Media Analytics, Social Media.
In the big data era, large volumes of social media data are generated at a high velocity, which we refer to as social big data. It is beyond the ability of traditional methods and algorithms to manage the massive amount of data in a tolerable elapsed time. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of the established big data techniques and new achievements on social big data management. The study also highlights a list of state-of-the-art applications based on data gathered from social networking platforms. At the end, we identify the key issues and challenges related to social big data analytics.
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Dr. Tina Tian
Department of Computer Science, Manhattan College, New York - United States of America

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