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M-Government: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Applications Related to Higher Education Policies & Strategies
Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Pages - 1 - 16     |    Revised - 31-12-2024     |    Published - 01-02-2025
Volume - 19   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2025  Table of Contents
E-Government, M-Government, Smart-Government.
E-Government has long sought to improve governmental efficiency and accessibility through web-based applications, and its evolution into Mobile Government (M-Government) represents a significant advancement. M-Government leverages mobile and wireless technologies to enhance the delivery of public services, foster citizen participation, and streamline interactions between governments, businesses, and citizens. Despite being in its early stages, M-Government shows potential to transform E-Government efforts by addressing the increasing global adoption of smartphones and mobile internet defined variously, M-Government involves using mobile communication technologies to expand governments' capacity to deliver outcomes and promote national economic growth. Four primary delivery models, that is, mG2C (government-to-citizens), mG2G (government-to-government), mG2B (government-to-business), and mG2E (governmentto- employees)illustrate its scope. M-Government services span areas such as public health, education, transportation, social services, and democratic participation.Although implementation is nascent in many regions, including Arab countries, the UAE's Smart Government initiative highlights a shift toward providing services via smartphones. The integration of mobile devices and the internet underscores M-Government’s transformative role in facilitating real-time communication and enhancing public service delivery.This paper provides an overview of the MGovernment, presents the M-Government E-Services, introduces the use of M-Government in higher education, explains the M-Government & E-Government best practices, and illustrates the challenges of M-Government implementation. In addition, it gives directions for potential future work.
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Dr. Rafa E. Al-Qutaish
Associate Professor of Software Engineering, 412-1682 Chemin du Tremblay, Longueuil, QC J4N 1E1 - Canada

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