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Multilevel Access Control in a MANET for a Defense Messaging System using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
J. Nafeesa Begum, K.Kumar, V.Sumathy
Pages - 208 - 225     |    Revised - 30-04-2010     |    Published - 10-06-2010
Volume - 4   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - May 2010  Table of Contents
Defense Messaging System, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Secure System
The trend of the Civilian society has moved from the industrial age focus on automation and scale towards information based on computing and communication. Todays Warfare is also moving towards an information age paradigm based on information sharing, situational awareness, and distributed points of intelligence, command and control. A widely-networked fighting force is better able to share information about tactical situations that may be geographically widespread, asymmetric, and rapidly changing. Commanders must be able to better assess situations across broad theaters, with extensive data, voice, and especially video feeds as strategic inputs. Thus, network-centric warfare improves effectiveness at both the tactical "point of the spear" and in the achievement of broader strategic goals. Broadly disseminated knowledge assets enable fighting forces that must self-synchronize, even as they physically disperse to address dynamic battlefield conditions. The speed of decision has increased and command decisions must be rapidly relayed and implemented, to improve battlefield outcomes. Multilevel access control in a MANET for a Defense messaging system is used have the command decisions relayed to all people who are active in the group and also to all people who have been identified as higher in the hierarchy instead of sending one to one messages to each individual.. The system developed is secure, multi site and allows for global communication using. the inherent properties of Elliptic Curve cryptography . Elliptic Curve cryptography provides a greater security with less bit size and it is fast when compared to other schemes. The implementation suggests that it is a secure system which occupies fewer bits and can be used for low power devices.
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5 J. N. Begum, K. Kumar and V. Sumathy, “A Novel Approach towards Multilevel Access Control for Secure Group Communication Using Symmetric Polynomial Based Elliptic Curve Cryptography”, in Proceedings of Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, 2010 International Conference, Bhopal, 26-28 Nov. 2010, pp. 454-459.
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Miss J. Nafeesa Begum
- India
Mr. K.Kumar
- India
Dr. V.Sumathy
- India

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