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Data Mining And Visualization of Large Databases
AbdulRahman Rashid Alazmi, AbdulAziz Rashid Alazmi
Pages - 295 - 314     |    Revised - 15-09-2012     |    Published - 24-10-2012
Volume - 6   Issue - 5    |    Publication Date - October 2012  Table of Contents
Applications of Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Visualization, Database Systems
Data Mining and Visualization are tools that are used in databases to further analyse and understand the stored data. Data mining and visualization are knowledge discovery tools used to find hidden patterns and to visualize the data distribution. In the paper, we shall illustrate how data mining and visualization are used in large databases to find patterns and traits hidden within. In large databases where data is both large and seemingly random, mining and visualization help to find the trends found in such large sets. We shall look at the developments of data mining and visualization and what kind of application fields usage of such tools. Finally, we shall touch upon the future developments and newer trends in data mining and visualization being experimented for future use.
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Mr. AbdulRahman Rashid Alazmi
kuwait university - Kuwait
Mr. AbdulAziz Rashid Alazmi
kuwait university - Kuwait

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