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Improved Count Suffix Trees for Natural Language Data
Guido Sautter, Klemens Böhm
Pages - 1 - 27     |    Revised - 15-01-2012     |    Published - 21-02-2012
Volume - 3   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - February 2012  Table of Contents
Selectivity Estimation, Count Suffix Tree, Query Optimization
With more and more text data stored in databases, the problem of handling natural language query predicates becomes highly important. Closely related to query optimization for these predicates is the (sub)string estimation problem, i.e., estimating the selectivity of query terms before query execution based on small summary statistics. The Count Suffix Trees (CST) is the data structure commonly used to address this problem. While selectivity estimates based on CST tend to be good, they are computationally expensive to build and require a large amount of memory for storage. To fit CST into the data dictionary of database systems, they have to be pruned severely. Pruning techniques proposed so far are based on term (suffix) frequency or on the tree depth of nodes. In this paper, we propose new filtering and pruning techniques that reduce the building cost and the size of CST over natural-language texts. The core idea is to exploit the features of the natural language data over which the CST is built. In particular, we aim at regarding only those suffixes that are useful in a linguistic sense. We use (wellknown) IR techniques to identify them. The most important innovations are as follows: (a) We propose and use a new optimistic syllabification technique to filter out suffixes. (b) We introduce a new affix and prefix stripping procedure that is more aggressive than conventional stemming techniques, which are commonly used to reduce the size of indices. (c) We observe that misspellings and other language anomalies like foreign words incur an over-proportional growth of the CST. We apply state-of-the-art trigram techniques as well as a new syllable-based non-word detection mechanism to filter out such substrings. – Our evaluation with large English text corpora shows that our new mechanisms in combination decrease the size of a CST by up to 80%, already during construction, and at the same time increase the accuracy of selectivity estimates computed from the final CST by up to 70%.
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Dr. Guido Sautter
KIT - Germany
Professor Klemens Böhm
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany

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