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A Review onModeling of Hybrid Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems
Farshid Zabihian, Alan Fung
Pages - 85 - 119 | Revised - 05-05-2009 | Published - 18-05-2009
Published in International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
solid oxide fuel cells, SOFC, hybrid energy systems, steady state and dynamic modeling, gas turbine
In the last 2 decades, there have been tremendous progresses on analytical, numerical and computational tools for fuel cells and energy systems based on them. The purpose of this work is to summarize current state-of-the-art status of hybrid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cycles and identify areas that further studies are required.
In this review paper, a comprehensive literature survey on different type of SOFC hybrid systems modeling is presented. The paper has three parts. First, it describes the importance of the fuel cells modeling especially in SOFC hybrid cycles. Then, key features of the fuel cells models are highlighted and model selection criteria are explained. Second, the models in open literature are categorized and discussed. This part includes discussion on a detail example of SOFC-gas turbine cycle model, description of early models, models with different objectives e.g. parametric analysis, comparison of configurations, exergy analysis, optimization, non-stationary power generation applications, transient and off-design analysis, thermoeconomic analysis and so on. In this paper a hybrid cycle could be any combination of SOFC and gas turbine, steam turbine, coal integrated gasification, and application in combined heat and power cycle. Finally, in the last section selected models key features are summarized and suggestions for areas that require further studies are presented.
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Mr. Farshid Zabihian
Ryerson University - Canada
Assistant Professor Alan Fung
Ryerson University - Canada
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