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Distance Sort
Hari Krishna Gurram, Sailaja Navakotla
Pages - 42 - 47     |    Revised - 01-07-2011     |    Published - 05-08-2011
Volume - 2   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - September / October 2011  Table of Contents
Distance Sort, Distance, Average
One of the fundamental issues in computer science is ordering a list of items. Although there is a number of sorting algorithms, sorting problem has attracted a great deal of research, because efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of other algorithms. This paper presents a new sorting algorithm which runs faster by decreasing the number of comparisons by taking some extra memory. In this algorithm we are using lists to sort the elements. This algorithm was analyzed, implemented and tested and the results are promising for a random data
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Mr. Hari Krishna Gurram
- India
Miss Sailaja Navakotla
- India

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