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Semantic Concept Detection in Video Using Hybrid Model of CNN and SVM Classifiers
Nita Sanjay Patil, Sudhir D. Sawarkar
Pages - 13 - 28     |    Revised - 28-02-2019     |    Published - 01-04-2019
Volume - 13   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - April 2019  Table of Contents
Semantic Concept Detection, SVM, CNN, Multi-label Classification, Deep Features, Imbalanced Dataset.
In today's era of digitization and fast internet, many video are uploaded on websites, a mechanism is required to access this video accurately and efficiently. Semantic concept detection achieve this task accurately and is used in many application like multimedia annotation, video summarization, annotation, indexing and retrieval. Video retrieval based on semantic concept is efficient and challenging research area. Semantic concept detection bridges the semantic gap between low level extraction of features from key-frame or shot of video and high level interpretation of the same as semantics. Semantic Concept detection automatically assigns labels to video from predefined vocabulary. This task is considered as supervised machine learning problem. Support vector machine (SVM) emerged as default classifier choice for this task. But recently Deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has shown exceptional performance in this area. CNN requires large dataset for training. In this paper, we present framework for semantic concept detection using hybrid model of SVM and CNN. Global features like color moment, HSV histogram, wavelet transform, grey level co-occurrence matrix and edge orientation histogram are selected as low level features extracted from annotated groundtruth video dataset of TRECVID. In second pipeline, deep features are extracted using pretrained CNN. Dataset is partitioned in three segments to deal with data imbalance issue. Two classifiers are separately trained on all segments and fusion of scores is performed to detect the concepts in test dataset. The system performance is evaluated using Mean Average Precision for multi-label dataset. The performance of the proposed framework using hybrid model of SVM and CNN is comparable to existing approaches.
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Mr. Nita Sanjay Patil
Datta Meghe College of Engineering Airoli, Navi Mumbai - India
Mr. Sudhir D. Sawarkar
Datta Meghe College of Engineering Airoli, Navi Mumbai - India

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