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Group Testing with Test Errors Made Easier
Nyongesa L. Kennedy, Paul J. Syaywa
Pages - 1 - 6     |    Revised - 30-11-2010     |    Published - 20-30-1020
Volume - 1   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - December 2010  Table of Contents
Computational Statistics, Theory and Applications of Statistics and Probabil, Statitical Computing and Simulation
Group testing is a cost effective procedure for identifying defective items in a large population. It also improves the efficiency of the testing procedure when imperfect tests are employed.This study develops computational group-testing strategy based on Kline et. al.,(1989) testing strategy. Statistical moments based on this applied design have been generated. With advent of digital computers in 1980`s, group-testing strategy under discussion is handled in the context of computationa statistics.
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Mr. Nyongesa L. Kennedy
- Kenya
Mr. Paul J. Syaywa
- Kenya

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