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A Disruptive Contexts Model for Mobile Commerce Systems
Mark Alan Hooper, Paul Sant
Pages - 1 - 15     |    Revised - 31-07-2018     |    Published - 01-10-2018
Volume - 3   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - October 2018  Table of Contents
M-Commerce, Purchase-Decision Involvement, Context-Awareness, Affective State.
Mobile devices are becoming increasingly important within the on-line purchasing cycle. Thus the requirement for mobile commerce systems to become truly context-aware remains paramount if they are to be truly effective under different situations typical with mobility. This report investigates consumer physical and modal contexts and presents findings as to their relationships and potential influence upon m-commerce related behaviours. We show that through an understanding of the relationship between a user's affective state and level of purchase-decision involvement, a model of engagement can be produced. Through the introduction of the novel concept of disruptive contexts we show a significant effect upon these relationships and propose a system of engagement for the optimization of context-aware m-commerce recommender systems.
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Mr. Mark Alan Hooper
University of Bedfordshire - United Kingdom
Dr. Paul Sant
School of Computer Science and Technology University of Bedfordshire - United Kingdom

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