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Sustainability: Future Orientation Through Engagement of MSME’s
Deepti Prakash, Parul Manchanda, Twinkle Arora
Pages - 23 - 39     |    Revised - 22-12-2021     |    Published - 20-05-2022
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - March 1, 2022  Table of Contents
MSME, Small and Medium Enterprises, Sustainable Development, Leadership Approaches, Business Sustainability, Environmental Management Practices.
Purpose: Enterprises have been facing a concern from the government to take an initiative in the various environmental maintenance and in the implementation of various sustainable practices laterally with the satisfaction of the customer demands. Thus, the enterprises are enforced to implement sustainable ways of doing business, which would help them achieve competitive advantage in the long run. This paper intends to institutionalise the various sustainability measures (through the leadership approaches and the theoretical approaches) in the various Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s).

Design/methodology/approach: This research paper is a general review for highlighting the varied reasons and unreason’s behind the various enterprises practising sustainability initiatives in the real business scenario. A thorough and wide exploratory search was made from the existing literature with the help of online databases. The results are presented in the form of descriptive findings.

Findings: The research paper concludes that, sustainability is not a unitary concept, but involves a throng of efforts (to explain, the activities, actors and the resources employed). The MSME’s require explicit thought, in case of business plans for sustainability as it is by one way or another not equivalent for the large firms. It has also been brought about that the MSME’s require a different way to support sustainability in comparison to the various large organisationswhich hold a varied set profile and resources.

Practical implications: Sustainability, today is a concern for everybody in the civilisation, this is because of the changes in the climate that have been observed and the growing problem of global warming. This research work, may enable the MSME managers to reconsider the whole business strategy, and making sustainability as an important inclusive element of the same, and thus practising it too.

Research Limitations: Sustainability, has been an important concern to the society in general which points out that there can be plenty opportunities for various organisations to identify strategies that will have a bearing and may positively advance the – social and environmental performance. However, this research work, does not provide an empirical evidence and support but offers insights on engaging MSME’s in sustainability.

Originality/ Value: This research contributes to the area of literature by providing a review, for the various considerations and occasionsfor the various business strategies for sustainable development and its varied applications to the certainties of business operations in various MSME enterprises.
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Dr. Deepti Prakash
University School of Management Studies, GGSIP University (State University under Delhi Government), Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 - India
Miss Parul Manchanda
University School of Management Studies, GGSIP University (State University under Delhi Government), Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 - India
Miss Twinkle Arora
University School of Management Studies, GGSIP University (State University under Delhi Government), Dwarka, New Delhi-110078 - India

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