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Applicants’ Reaction Towards Asynchronous Video Interviews in Predicting Behavioural Outcomes: The Role of Culture as a Moderator
Goh Ee Leng
Pages - 24 - 43     |    Revised - 28-07-2021     |    Published - 20-12-2021
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - December 20, 2021  Table of Contents
Applicants’ Reaction, Behavioural Outcomes, Culture, Asynchronous Video Interviews (AVIs).
Organisations are increasingly using asynchronous video interviews to assess candidates. In view of the recent pandemic, Covid-19, hiring managers and HR practitioners had to think creatively to streamline their recruitment process. The current study utilised a cross-sectional method among 119 job applicants to investigate applicants’ reaction in asynchronous video interviews in predicting their behavioural outcomes and whether culture moderates these relationships. It is hypothesised that applicants’ reaction (i.e. applicants’ perception of fairness and favourability) will significantly predict applicants’ behavioural outcomes (i.e. applicants’ recommendation intentions, withdrawal intentions and perceived procedure performance). Moderation analysis was conducted to examine the moderation effects of culture. Results demonstrated that applicants’ perception of fairness towards AVIs significantly predict all behavioural outcomes. However, applicants’ perception of favourability towards AVIs only predict recommendation intentions. Also, this study showed that culture only moderates the relationship between applicants’ perception of favourability and perceived procedure performance. Limitations, suggestions for future direction and practical implications based on the findings were also discussed in this paper.
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Miss Goh Ee Leng
Department of Psychology, University of London, London, EC1V 0HB - United Kingdom

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