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Franciscan Spirituality and the Challenges of the Modern Management World
Markus Warode
Pages - 29 - 40 | Revised - 30-06-2022 | Published - 31-03-2023
Published in Faith and Management (SIBRM8)
Franciscan Spirituality, VUCA World, Transformation, Leadership.
What can we learn from Franciscan tradition with regard to the management and leadership world today? The focus of this paper lies on the 800-year history of the Franciscan family as a learning organization to explore the question of transformation as a key concept of Franciscan life and Franciscan leadership. To do so, we look at the founder of the Order, Francis of Assisi (1181–1226), first. Francis himself stands for a personal, continuous process of transformation in which he chooses the Gospel as a basic orientation for his life or as the foundation of his self-leadership. He completely changed his life goals and defined the identity of the entire Franciscan organization. In this context, the core values of the Franciscans, such as evangelical poverty, serving character and the aspect of brotherhood (which includes all sexes) will be discussed. The Franciscan approach serves as a perfect field of practice for bringing together attitude and action, which is also the basis of leadership theories from the light side of leadership. Finally, practical experiences from the Franciscan tradition, like the development of structural elements (e.g., the annual chapters) are related to the management context. By focusing on practice and transformation, the Franciscan example can inspire modern organizations and leadership practice in times of current challenges.
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Mr. Markus Warode
Werteorientierte Strategieentwicklung, Bochum, 44894 - Germany
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