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Five Lessons by C.S. Lewis’ Narnia, Discovered for Agile Teams
Emanuel Kessler
Pages - 88 - 97     |    Revised - 30-06-2022     |    Published - 31-03-2023
Volume - 0   Issue - 0    |    Publication Date - September 30, 2022  Table of Contents
C.S. Lewis, Narnia, Agile, Kanban Method, Scrum.
People could learn from stories. In this article, the question is asked: What can people working in an agile way learn from “The Chronicles of Narnia”? With this goal in mind, five scenes are explained and the lessons are worked out. Since there are a large number lot of ways of working agile, this article is focused on the Kanban Method and Scrum as agile ideas.
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Mr. Emanuel Kessler
Research Associate, Akademie für christliche Führungskräfte, Gummersbach, 51643 - Germany

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