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Similarity Measures for Traditional Turkish Art Music
Ali C. Gedik
Pages - 52 - 65     |    Revised - 05-04-2013     |    Published - 30-04-2013
Volume - 7   Issue - 1    |    Publication Date - June 2013  Table of Contents
Similarity Measure, Histogram Comparison, Earth Mover’s Distance, Music Information Retrieval, Traditional Turkish Art Music.
Pitch histograms are frequently used for a wide range of applications in music information retrieval (MIR) which mainly focus on western music. However there are significant differences between pitch spaces of traditional Turkish art music (TTAM) and western music which prevent to apply current methods. In this sense comparison of pitch histograms for TTAM corresponds to the research domain in pattern recognition: finding an appropriate similarity measure in relation with the metric axioms and characteristics of the data. Therefore we have evaluated various similarity measures frequently used in histogram comparison such as L1-norm, L2-norm, histogram intersection, correlation coefficient measures and earth mover’s distance (EMD) for TTAM. Consequently we have discussed one of the problems of the domain, about measures regarding overlap or/and non-overlap between ordinal type histograms and presented an improved version of EMD for TTAM.
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Dr. Ali C. Gedik
Dokuz Eylul University - Turkey

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