Author should understand that beside producing quality research work, it is important to present the work well and according to journal guidelines because a well presented work; free of grammatical mistakes; reflect correct meaning of what author intend to present. It also make easy for our editors and reviewers to read a standardized formatted manuscript to evaluate the quality of the research carried by authors.In order to assist authors properly, CSC Journals has created these helpful hints on writing for publication & getting an article published in our journals.
- Consult journal website and read details about journal scope, topics covered and recently published articles. It will help you decide if your article is appropriate for the journal.
- Consult Submission Guidelines to understand submission procedures, rules and policies, publication ethics that must be followed while preparing the manuscript.
- Avoid unnecessarily complex vocabulary. Language should be easy, simple and comprehensive so that it can correctly depict author's view point.
- If possible ask colleagues with good English-language skills and experience of writing scientific papers to read your manuscript and provide constructive feedback.
- Use headings and subheadings to break up the text and differentiate between different parts of the manuscript.
- Objectives and outcome of the research should be mentioned in abstract and conclusion of the manuscript respectively.
- Our referees evaluate manuscript based on the quality of presented research work. It include presentation of the work, statements reflecting objectives and contribution made by authors, critical discussion, comparative evaluation and correct use of references.
- Proper acknowledgement and funding sources (if any) should be presented clearly to support the research.
- Use the online submission facility offered by the Journal to submit your paper electronically. We do not entertain submissions via email.
- Consult the editorial office staff by email if you are unsure about general or specific issues relating to the journal.
- Respond promptly to the comments from editors and to those contained in the reviewe report – ask for clarification if the comments or requests being made are unclear.
- If your manuscript is rejected by the journal, read the reviewers comments and ensure you take on board any feedback provided in it to improve your manuscript before submitting the revised manuscript.