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The Impact of Metaphorical Visual Images on Advertising Effectiveness - A Case Study of Sensitivity Toothpaste
Jong-Sheng Horng
Pages - 63 - 71     |    Revised - 30-04-2024     |    Published - 01-06-2024
Volume - 15   Issue - 2    |    Publication Date - June 2024  Table of Contents
Visual Image, Metaphor, Advertising Effectiveness
Visual metaphors are a common technique used in advertising design to present visual imagery. In addition to designing the ad copy, creative teams also carefully consider the metaphors used in the visuals, hoping to enhance the effectiveness of the advertising message and improve consumer affinity and purchase intent for the product.However, different consumer markets have different target audiences. Accordingly, the transmission of visual and textual messages varies based on market segmentation. Due to differences in life experiences and cultural backgrounds, consumers may interpret these messages differently, leading to misunderstandings in communication. As a result, not all high brand awareness advertisements using visual metaphors are equally memorable. The findings indicate that: (1). A brand's high level of recognition does not necessarily lead to better advertising effectiveness. (2). Regardless of a brand's level of recognition, advertisements using visual metaphors tend to be more effective than those using direct statements.
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Dr. Jong-Sheng Horng
Department of Visual Communication Design, Taipei University of Marine Technology, New TaipeiCity ,251, Taiwan (R.O.C.) - Taiwan

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