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A Genetic Algorithm for Reliability Evaluation of a Stochastic-Flow Network with Node Failure
Ahmed younes Hamed, Moatamad Refaat Hassan
Pages - 528 - 536     |    Revised - 31-01-2011     |    Published - 08-02-2011
Volume - 4   Issue - 6    |    Publication Date - January / February  Table of Contents
Genetic Algorithms, Stochastic-flow Network, System Reliability
The paper presents a genetic algorithm to compute the reliability of a stochastic- flow network in which each arc or node has several capacitis and may fail. I.e. Calculate the system reliability such that the maximum flow is not less than a given demand. The algorithm is based on generating all lower boundary points for the given demand and than the system reliability can be calculated in terms of such points. The proposed algorithm can be used for a network with large number of nodes and links. Also, the paper investigates the problems that are found in the solutions that obtained by using other previous methods.
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Associate Professor Ahmed younes Hamed
- Egypt
Dr. Moatamad Refaat Hassan
- Egypt

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