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Total 142 records found in CSC-OpenAccess Library.
Wisdom Umeugo
University of the Cumberlands, Independent Researcher, Ottawa
Pages - 29 - 42     |    Revised - 31-03-2023     |    Published - 30-04-2023
Wisdom Umeugo, Kimberley Lowrey, Shardul Pandya
Ph.D. University of the Cumberlands, Independent Researcher, Ottawa
Pages - 1 - 16     |    Revised - 28-02-2023     |    Published - 01-04-2023
Volume - 14,   Issue - 1, International Journal of Security (IJS)
Bekir Karlik, Recai Yilmaz, Alexander Winkler-Schwartz, Nykan Mirchi, Vincent Bissonnette, Nicole Ledwos, Rolando Del Maestro
Neurosurgical Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC
Pages - 47 - 59     |    Revised - 30-11-2021     |    Published - 31-12-2021
Houssam Hammoudi
TradeSec Corp, Calgary, T3N 1T4
Pages - 123 - 132     |    Revised - 31-07-2021     |    Published - 31-08-2021
Houssam Hammoudi
TradeSec Corp, Calgary, T3N 1T4
Pages - 133 - 145     |    Revised - 31-07-2021     |    Published - 31-08-2021
Qinghan Xiao
Radar Electronic Warfare Section, Defence R&D Canada - Ottawa Research Centre, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0Z4
Pages - 48 - 65     |    Revised - 30-11-2020     |    Published - 31-12-2020
Meryem Karlik, Bekir KARLIK
McGill University, Neurosurgical Simulation, Research & Artificial Intelligence Learning Centre, Montréal
Pages - 39 - 48     |    Revised - 31-05-2020     |    Published - 30-06-2020
Aslihan Akyol, Bekir KARLIK, Bariş Koçer
Independent Researcher
Pages - 1 - 11     |    Revised - 31-01-2019     |    Published - 28-02-2019
Khalil Rohani, Laila Shin Rohani, Joe Barth
Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Pages - 1 - 12     |    Revised - 31-03-2017     |    Published - 30-04-2017